Your donations help us provide individualized, compassionate, trauma informed supports to every client requiring immediate, critical protection.
Your donations become an agent for safety and change
This was a remarkable donation that could possibly be featured on our donation page. Unbeknown to me, our local Toronto Dominion bank reached out to their northern partners with some travelling all the way from Grande Prairie to surprise our office. Westlock TD asked if they could drop something off at 5:30pm one sunny summer day. I expected one person dropping off a few things.
I couldn’t believe the trail of bodies and bags that kept coming in. A total of forty-five TD employees filled our office – with bodies overlapped in to our children’s area this picture couldn’t capture. It was the most amazing, generous, unexpected ‘goose bump’ moment that brought ‘hope in a bag’ essentials of groceries for moms and children, but along with that, encouragement, support, love, and ‘hope’ for me personally!